Creative competitions

This is a list of the creative competitions that will be held at The Gathering 2015. You can start working on your entry right away (except in the Fast and Themed compos)! There will also be a ton of interesting workshop competitions in the lounge, specially directed towards newcomers. An overview of workshops and things that happen in the lounge will be announced later.

Details and rules for each competition can be found here!

Multi discipline:

Realtime demo
Where teamwork, adept skills and long nights become mindblowing entertainment. Create an executable showdown of your graphic, music and programming skills combined.

Fast demo
Make a quick and dirty demo in only eight short hours based on three crazy themes.

Game development
Develop a game and present it on the stage.

Fast game development
Create a small game at TG15 based on given themes.


Hand drawn graphics
Art by pixels, but only digitally hand drawn entries are accepted (no 3D allowed).

Rendered graphics
Art by 3D modelling, texturing, lighting and rendering.

MS Paint
Art made by the legendary program MS-paint. Because brushes, layers and fancy effects are for wimps!

Fast graphics
Three themes, three hours, a palette and millions of pixels.

Capture a moment in time for everyone to enjoy.

Themed photo manipulation
We give you six stock photos, you use at least three of them to create an image.


Freestyle music
Your original track, played out loud for the first time to a large audience.

Fast Music
Make a track in a few hours on our premises!

We'll provide a track, you'll do a remix.


The Gathering programming championship
Flex your biggest algorithmic muscles in order to solve a difficult problem.

Create an artificial intelligence and let it battle your contestants on the big screen.

Hacking competition
The competition consists of many different tasks in information security. Can you hack your way through?

Small HTML
Dirty hacks beyond quirks mode. Make an HTML-page as small as you can (in terms of bytes). Assignment is released at the party.

Useful utility
Create an app that will make the users' lives easier and/or more fun.

Useless utility
Usable, but useless. To be truly useless, an entry must have no possibilities for beneficial use.


Short film
For animation, editing, direction and innovation worthy of more than YouTube.

Ten second movie
Make an entertaining summary of a longer movie where you present a message in just ten seconds.

Visual effects
Show us your awesome skills in visual film effects that are worthy of Hollywood.

Music video
We provide a song, you make a music video for it


Show us your best costume in front of a large audience on the main stage.